Mental health social work services in Suffolk

Suffolk County Council has developed a new Social Work Mental Health Service which will start from 1 April 2022.

There will be changes to the way we deliver mental health social work services in Suffolk from 1 April 2022. This is because we want to make it easier for people to get the support they need from a social worker, and because the agreement between Suffolk County Council (SCC) and Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT), which provide the current service, is ending.

Whilst we have worked hard to maintain as much continuity as possible, there will be some small changes you need to be aware of.

Who to go to for what

• For medical, medicine or clinical treatment stay in touch with NSFT.
• For any questions or issues with your social care and support package, including issues with your supported accommodation, contact SCC.

Access to social workers

How you gain access to social workers will change. From 1 April 2022 you will be able to access your social worker through SCC's Customer First service which is best accessed via our online portal: Adult Care Portal 

What isn't changing

• If you have an SCC social worker and are receiving a service, this will not change. All existing social work cases will transfer with staff from 1 April.

• Current care and support provision commissioned by SCC for people with mental ill health will remain the same.

• The existing Approved Mental Health Professional (AMHP) service will continue to operate as is, under the management of SCC.

• Medical or clinical treatment for mental health concerns will still be delivered by NSFT.

Further Information

We have created a simple animation which we hope makes the limited changes easy to understand. View this on our YouTube channel: Changes to mental health social work | YouTube  

Further information about Mental Health Services in Suffolk can be found on our website here: Support for Adults | Mental Health and Wellbeing 

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