Find support in your area

Stay social, active and independent by finding groups, clubs, activities and services in your local community.
Group playing dominoes at a social club

Keeping active and social can help you stay independent for longer and delay the need for social care.

You can search your local area for things you might enjoy doing using the community directory on our Suffolk InfoLink website. 

Support in your community

Here are some different things you might be able to find near you. 

Day centres

Day centres can cater for people with disabilities or special needs. Some may need an assessment of your physical needs.

Find a day centre near you that offers services including meals, activities and trips.

Coffee mornings or lunch clubs

Women at a coffee morning
These groups and clubs are a great way to meet people and stay connected in your community. Some groups have regular speakers or activities like games and quizzes.

Find coffee mornings and lunch clubs.

Clubs, church groups and learning opportunities

There are many places to meet new people and join in activities:

Telephone befriending services and support

older man using home phone

You can find information, friendship and advice for older people:

More types of support

There are many other types of support groups listed on Suffolk InfoLink, including:

Visiting a place and trips

There are many places to visit and explore in Suffolk, from town to countryside to coast.

You can find ideas for a day out at:

You can also contact a Tourist Information Centre.

Places to visit could include: