Calculate your care costs

You can use our care cost calculator to find out what you, or someone you look after, might need to pay towards social care.

The Care Cost Calculator is available to use. Please do not press ‘submit’ when you get to the end of the OFA as this is not currently an option.

Our care cost calculator can help you decide on which care options are right for you.

Your results will be an estimate based on the information you've entered. The actual amount you're asked to pay may be different after a full financial assessment.

We cannot use the information you put into the calculator to complete your financial assessment, and the information you enter does not get retained. We can only complete our financial assessment once we have an AF1 form returned by you. This should be given to you by the person who is helping you to arrange your care and support services.

How it works

This tool is a guide for how much residential and non-residential care costs could be in Suffolk.

Residential care is the care that you get if you are living in a residential or nursing care home.

Non-residential care is any other care and support services that you may be getting if you are not living in a residential or nursing care home.

It takes about 5 minutes to complete using the calculator.

Before you start

You'll need the following information about the person you're doing a calculation for:

  • date of birth
  • number of dependent children
  • savings
  • value of any property and land owned
  • income
  • housing costs

What happens next?

Once you've received your care cost estimates, we recommend you save the results by printing the page or writing them down. The information you give us here does not get saved in our systems.

We will then give you links to information, tools and services that may be useful for you.