Community safety

Help and advice on abusive relationships, sexual exploitation, anti-social behaviour and hate crimes.
Anti-social behaviour
Find out what anti-social behaviour is, what action to take if you're affected, and how to report an incident.
Criminal Exploitation
Find information about what Criminal Exploitation is, what Suffolk is doing to tackle it, and what to do if you want to report something.
Domestic abuse and sexual violence
Help and advice if you or someone you know is the victim of domestic abuse.
Hate crime
Find out what a hate crime is, how it's dealt with in Suffolk, and how to report a hate crime. #NoHateInSuffolk
Modern Slavery
Find out what Modern Slavery is, how it is tackled in Suffolk, and how to report any concerns.
Preventing Radicalisation
Find out how to report suspicious activity, what to do if you think someone is at risk of radicalisation, and what the Prevent duty is.
Find out how fraud schemes can trick you into handing over money or personal details and how to protect yourself from them.
Serious Violence Duty
Find out what the new serious violence duty is and what we’re doing about serious violence in Suffolk.
Safer Stronger Communities Board
Find out what the Safer Stronger Communities Board's priorities are, its key responsibilities, and which organisations are involved.
Police and Crime Panel and the Police and Crime Commissioner
The role of the Police and Crime Panel and the Police and Crime Commissioner.
Suffolk Youth Justice Service
The Suffolk Youth Justice Service works with young people aged 10 to 18 at risk of offending or have offended.