Europa Way, Ipswich - new link road connecting Sproughton Road to Bramford Road

Information on the works to create a new link road connecting Sproughton Road to Bramford Road

Suffolk County Council will be installing a new link road between the end of the existing Europa Way, Ipswich and Bramford Road (B1067), Ipswich. The new link road will form a new two-way road between Sproughton Road and Bramford Road, with a new off-road footway / cycleway facility within the extents of the new link road that connect to existing facilities. This includes the construction of a mini roundabout to form a new junction with Bramford Road. 

New link road between Sproughton Road and Bramford Road, Ipswich overview.
New link road between Sproughton Road and Bramford Road, Ipswich overview.

The new link road will improve the transport network's reliability and reduce congestion by improving journey times and reducing some pressure from nearby junctions. It will also improve the safety of the existing highways network, including nearby residential estate roads, by providing a new link that would help mitigate traffic passing through residential roads. The link road will also provide new transport link options for buses, pedestrians and cyclists, enabling better accessibility and connectivity in the area.

Construction work is programmed to commence on 9 September 2024 with the aim to complete the works and open the new link road by the end of April 2025

If you have any questions or concerns about these works, you can email Alternatively, please call us on 0345 606 6171.