Highway Maintenance Operational Plan

Read our Highway Maintenance Operational Plan (HMOP), find out why we have changed our approach and what this means.

As the local highway authority, Suffolk County Council has to fulfil a number of statutory duties including the duty to maintain the public highway to enable the safe passage of highway users.

Suffolk Highways delivers the highway maintenance function on behalf of Suffolk County Council.

Our Highway Maintenance Operational Plan (HMOP) sets out the standards that Suffolk Highways will meet for safety inspections and reactive maintenance (works that have been triggered by defects or safety concerns such as potholes). 

The HMOP is aimed at the inspection team and others within Suffolk Highways, to provide the standards and methodology to use when maintaining the county’s highways.

Our staff use the Suffolk Highways Defect Response Matrices to identify whether repairs are necessary for different types of highway defect, and the timescales for completing repairs. Browse the document to see the categories of damage and respective timescales for repair, for each type of defect. 

Click each of the sections below to read more about the Highway Maintenance Operational Plan.