Redstor service for schools

More than 50% of the UK's schools rely on Redstor RBUSS, ESS' approved method for backing up school data including SIMS/FMS and Discover.
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Backup and recovery

More than 50% of the UK's schools rely on Redstor RBUSS, Capita’s approved method for backing up school data including SIMS/FMS and Discover.

  • Eliminate downtime, radically reducing the impact of security risks
  • Unthrottled recovery gaining instant data access
  • Gain borderless visibility of all your critical data
  • Radically reduce costs by paying only for what you use
  • Benefit from a solution that scales with your school's data

Disaster recovery

Instantly protect both curriculum and admin data at the click of a button ensuring protection from data loss without the need to pay for stand-by hardware or a DR site.

  • Recover physical, virtual or cloud-hosted machines in a few clicks
  • Mitigate risks due to security incidents and hardware failures
  • Access all data through a central control centre
  • Instant time to value with no capital Outlay


Dramatically cut your storage costs and access your archived data immediately.

  • Free up primary storage reducing the need for capital outlay
  • Eliminate delays in accessing archived data
  • Minimise management time through policy-driven automated archiving
  • Give end users the best possible experience, requiring no training

O365 protection

Microsoft 365 and Google G Suite protection, despite the common misconception held by some IT professionals, cloud services, such as Microsoft 365 and G Suite, often require additional protection, like backup, to ensure against loss of control, loss of data or corruption.

Microsoft 365 and G Suite protection from Redstor helps schools to securely manage the protection of both Microsoft 365 and G Suite data, set their own retention policies for data and address potential compliance issues. In addition, it ensures that all data can be recovered in the event of a deletion, accidental or otherwise and adds extra layers of security.

Microsoft 365 protection is available for OneDrive, SharePoint, Exchange and Teams. G Suite protection is available for individual Google Drives and Gmail.

Ransomware protection

Ransomware attacks are increasingly becoming highly targeted, focusing on high-value victims, with sensitive data, such as schools and demanding high ransom costs, for data to be unencrypted.

Redstor has helped schools get their vital data back, mitigating the effects of an attack and saving thousands in unpaid ransoms.