Product safety advice and recalls

Any products that are intended for consumers or reasonably likely to be used by them are required to be safe. This applies whether the goods are new, reconditioned or second-hand.

If you have concerns about the safety of a product that you have purchased, please contact the Citizens Advice consumer helpline. You will be offered advice on your query and the matter will be referred to us if necessary.

What we do

We are responsible for ensuring that products on sale in Suffolk are compliant with product safety legislation.

We work with local importers, manufacturers and retailers, providing them with advice on the requirements of the safety laws relevant to their products, to make sure that all goods sold and supplied are safe, and meet EU and British Regulations.

We inspect, sample and test consumer products such as toys, children's clothes etc. to check for any hazards and assess risks.

Producers and distributors must notify us when they become aware that a product they have placed on the market is unsafe.

Product Safety Guidance

The links below provide some specific information and guidance:

  • Business Companion - If you're a Suffolk business and require product safety information, this website provides links to detailed information on specific topics.
  • ROSPA - ROSPA are a registered charity and have been at the heart of accident prevention in the UK and around the world for almost 100 years.
  • British Fireworks Association - Useful information on firework safety.
  • Preventing Children's Accidents - Useful information on preventing children’s accidents.
  • Trampoline Safety - With the high number of injuries reported each year as a result of trampolining, we have provided some top tips to keep children safe.

Product Recalls

Registering a product with its manufacturer is the easiest way to stay informed on any safety issues you should know about.

To get a product registered, you can either:

Register My Appliance is provided by the Association of Manufacturers of Domestic Appliances, and is supported by the Department for Business and Trade.

Information on the latest recalls can be found here: