Trading Standards certificates or licences

Trading Standards licence such as animal feeds, weighbridge or petroleum, fireworks and explosives or sports ground safety certificate.
Animal feed licence
Businesses that make, use, or supply animal feed must register to control potential food hazards at every stage of production.
Petroleum storage, certificates, licensing and decommissioning
Businesses, organisations and individuals must have a Petroleum Storage Certificate (PSC) if they store and supply petrol to vehicles.
The Sale Of Poisons
To purchase poisons consumers need to produce a valid licence issued by the Home Office. Retailers no longer need to be licensed.
Annual fireworks licence
An annual fireworks licence lets your business sell fireworks all year round.
Fireworks and Explosives licences
Businesses that store fireworks and other explosives need to be licensed or registered with Trading Standards, Suffolk Police or the Health & Safety Executive.
Weighbridge operator certificate
Operators of public weighing equipment must have a certificate to show they are capable of using the equipment correctly.
Sports ground safety certificate
Any covered stand that holds over 500 people requires a safety certificate from us.
Performing animal licence
You need to register performing animals through your local district council.