Eat Well, Feel Well

Suffolk and North East Essex ICB, along with partners, eat well emotional wellbeing campaign.
Eat Well, Feel Well logo
Eat Well, Feel Well campaign

Eating well is not just about what we eat, but maintaining a good relationship with food.

Be Well, Feel Well: A healthier Suffolk in 2023 is a partnership between Suffolk Mind, Public Health & Communities and a range of community groups teaming up to focus on promoting ways we can stay well throughout the year, by meeting 12 physical and emotional needs. Our relationship with food and drink should be one of life’s pleasures beyond just eating to live, experiencing new tastes, the feeling of being nourished, and the sense of community which comes from eating and drinking with others.

However, what we eat and drink can often be linked to our state of mind, and how we feel, and this can lead to unhealthy relationships with food and drink.

With the cost of food and drink on the increase, it’s also challenging for families to maintain a healthy balanced diet if on a budget.

We have teamed up with Suffolk County Council, Norfolk and Suffolk Foundation Trust (NSFT) and the Integrated Care Board (ICB) to highlight their 'Eat Well, Feel Well' Campaign to help raise awareness of how changes to our eating habits can improve our wellbeing.

What are the aims of the 'Eat well, Feel Well' campaign?

The 'Eat Well, Feel Well' campaign aims to raise awareness to families and schools of the importance of eating well and building good relationships with a variety of food in order to maintain good mental and physical health, and prevent eating problems in children. 

As part of the 'Eat Well, Feel Well' campaign, we have gathered resources, tips and advice on various topics centred around eating well for our mental and physical health to support parents, carers, teachers and young people.

Eat Well, Feel Well awareness resources

More information

Image of person in a food bowl saying that food enriches us in many ways