Health Visiting service

The Health Visiting service supports families from pregnancy to aged 5.
What we offer
Details of services provided to parents and carers of children aged 0-5, including expectant parents.
How to contact us
Contact details for our children's health and children's centre services, including Health Visiting teams and Family Hubs.
Child health clinics and self weigh
Details of child health clinics and locations where you can self weigh your child
Support for families
Information about benefits and advice for parents and carers.
Pregnancy to pre-school
Resources and information to guide you from pregnancy to school age.
Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)
Support for parents and carers of children with special educational needs and disabilities
Healthy lifestyles and emotional wellbeing
Support with your child's health and wellbeing.
Family Nurse Partnership
Find out what the Family Nurse Partnership does, who it's for and how to access this service.
Young Parent's Pathway
Find out about the Young Parent's Pathway which support mothers-to-be under the age of 20.

Service rated as 'good' by Care Quality Commission

On 6 July 2021 the Care Quality Commission rated our service as 'good'. Click here for the report and overview of the inspection.

The information that we collect and use for SystmOne health data and your rights regarding your information are available in this privacy notice