Cost of living support

Information and guidance to support those most in need and to help with the significantly rising cost of living.

The Cost of living is a big issue for people in Suffolk right now.

We have a range of advice for households, businesses and charitable organisations as well as ways people can offer support.

In addition to the support available locally detailed below, you may also wish to visit the Government's Cost of Living Hub for additional information.

Help for Households
Find out what help is available to support you through the cost of living pressures.
Household Support Fund
The Household Support Fund is an allocation of funding the Government has given Suffolk to support people who are struggling to pay their energy and utility bills.
Help for Businesses
Find out what support is available to help organisations and businesses through the cost of living pressures
I'd like to offer my help
Find out how you can help support others through Cost of Living pressures.
Helpful resources
We have a range of materials for you to use, download and order to help support communities in Suffolk.