Apply to move abnormal loads

You must notify us of any proposal to drive a vehicle carrying an abnormal load, which is excessively long, wide, or heavy through Suffolk.

You must check the Suffolk Police guidance before you plan your route and notify them using the details on their site.

If your route uses a trunk road you will also need to contact National Highways for permission.

You must provide an indemnity to the highway authority for any vehicle over 44 tonnes.

Heavy, wide or long loads are commonly referred to as ‘abnormal loads’ although the correct term is an ‘Abnormal Indivisible Load’ (AIL). An abnormal indivisible load is one which cannot be divided into two or more loads for carriage on roads without undue expense or risk of damage.

Mobile cranes, engineering plant and road recovery vehicles are also likely to fall within STGO legislation.

  • For heavy loads, the loaded vehicle must exceed 44,000kg in gross vehicle weight.
  • For wide loads, the loaded vehicle must exceed 3m in width, including any left of right projections.
  • For long loads, the loaded vehicle length must exceed 18.75m rigid length.

Contact us 

Abnormal loads officer, Suffolk County Council Abnormal Load Service, c/o Cascade Software, Brixbury House, Down Lane, Compton, Surrey, GU3 1DQ

Tel: 01483 811822

9am to 5pm Monday to Thursday

9am to 4pm Friday



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