Fire stations in Suffolk

Find details of the 35 fire stations in Suffolk, organised by North, South and West, including how to download a map of all stations.

We run 35 fire stations:

  • 4 Wholetime shift stations
  • 29 on-call stations
  • 2 Wholetime day-crewed stations
Image of Suffolk's fire stations with names of stations with police and ambulance
An image of Suffolk's fire stations shared with police and ambulance, and those planned to be shared. Blue circles represent on-call fire stations with police collaboration. Green circles represent on-call fire stations with ambulance collaboration. Purple circles represent on-call fire stations with a planned collaboration. Red circles represent on-call fire stations with no collaboration. Blue squares show wholetime fire stations with police collaboration. Green squares represent wholetime fire stations with ambulance collaboration. Purple squares show wholetime fire stations with planned collaboration.

Contact the Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service

If you have a non-emergency query:


Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service
8 Russell Road

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