Caring for someone

Help and guidance around assessments, health and wellbeing, financial support, breaks, Carers UK resources and emergency planning.

Who is a carer?

A carer is someone who helps another person, usually a relative or friend, in their day-to-day life. This is not the same as someone who provides care professionally, or through a voluntary organisation.

The Care Act 2014 relates mostly to adult carers – people over 18 who are caring for another adult. This is because young carers (aged under 18) and adults who care for disabled children can be assessed and supported under children’s law.

Man sitting with a woman having a cup of tea reading the paper.
Help for carers
Start here to find out if you're a carer, and what support is available in Suffolk if you look after or support someone, emotionally or physically.
Carers UK resources
Find out what free digital resources are available, including a variety of information provided to support you in your caring role.
Financial support for carers
If you're an unpaid carer, you may be able to get financial support to help you with your caring duties.
Carer's assessments
You can request a carer's assessment if you care for someone who is over 18 and they live in Suffolk.
Health and wellbeing support for carers
Find out how you can get support to stay healthy and well, if you're a carer in Suffolk.
Emergency planning for carers and Herbert Protocol
Why it's important to put together in advance a Family Carer Emergency Plan, and how the Herbert Protocol supports those at risk of getting lost.
Breaks for carers
Find out how to take a break from caring, including arranging replacement care.
COVID-19 advice for carers
Find guidance for family carers in Suffolk relating to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
Suffolk All Age Carers' Strategy 2022-2027
Find out about Suffolk’s Strategy to support carers and how you can make a difference.