Comment on or view a planning application

Find current and approved planning applications for minerals, waste and county council developments. Find out how to speak at a committee meeting.

Before you start

Suffolk County Council only manages the following types of planning applications:

  • Minerals
  • Waste
  • County council developments, such as schools or fire stations

Other types of planning applications

For other planning applications contact your local district or borough council.

Find a planning application

Search for planning applications in the planning register.

Current and approved planning applications determined by us are held on our planning register.

Not all documents and plans for applications submitted before December 2005 are available. If you require information that's not available please email

Comment on a planning application

There are three ways to comment on a planning application.

Speak at a committee meeting

Some planning applications are decided on at the Development and Regulation Committee.

Dates of upcoming meetings are published on the Development and Regulation Committee page. Follow our guidance on public speaking at meetings if you want to comment on an application.

More information

Email for further information or advice.

Telephone: 01473 265066

Our postal address is:

Suffolk County Council Planning Section
Growth, Highways & Infrastructure
Fifth floor, Endeavour House
8 Russell Road