Care and support for adults

Support to live independently, help to stay at home, adult social care, paying for care, help for carers, safeguarding and reporting abuse.

Get help in a crisis

If you have a social care emergency and need urgent assistance, please call Customer First on 0800 917 1109.

Outside of normal working hours this number will divert to the Emergency Duty Service. They can deal with anything that can't wait until the next working day.

Where to start: adult care and support
Start here for guidance if you're looking for social care or support for an adult in Suffolk.
Younger woman looking affectionately at older woman
Self-assess your needs
Find out how you can self-assess your care and support needs, and how it can help.
Adult black man sitting in a cafe typing on his phone
Help to stay at home
How to live independently at home, including equipment and adaptations, meals, personal assistants, money and debt advice, and returning home from hospital.
Black woman relaxing and sitting at home smiling
Keep well and active
Find support to stay healthy, social and independent in your community, including advice on volunteering, work, falls, disabilities and mental health.
Old Sikh man exercising and doing sit ups with a woman in a park on a sunny day
How adult social care can help
Adult social care in Suffolk, care and support assessments, housing support, care homes, advocacy, DoLS, moving from children's services and how to contact us.
South Asian man over 50 sitting at a table in his garden eating snacks, drinking water, and talking with young woman
Paying for care
How social care is paid for, calculate your potential care costs using our calculator, deferred payment agreements, personal budgets and direct payments.
Woman over 50 talking on the phone while writing in her home kitchen
Protecting people at risk of abuse
Report abuse of an adult, the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) and support for people at risk of radicalisation.
Man and woman couple sitting on a sofa holding hands hugging and smiling at each other
Caring for someone
Help and guidance around assessments, health and wellbeing, financial support, breaks, Carers UK resources and emergency planning.
Younger woman combing older woman's hair
Work with Adult and Community Services
Our approach, policies and procedures, research governance, the Suffolk Professional Portal, and how you can help improve services.
Care worker chatting with an older woman in a kitchen
Suffolk Marketplace
Care directory - find information about adult social care services in Suffolk
Suffolk County Council building Endeavour House
Our performance data
Suffolk County Council's quarterly corporate performance dashboard and risk management.
Woman using calculator and taking notes
The care journey
You can watch these animated videos to learn about adult social care, including assessments.
Man and woman sitting on sofa smiling

Find support in your local community

You can find information and support to stay independent using our Suffolk InfoLink website. It's a directory of local services, groups and organisations. You could find help with care, travel, money, shopping or learning. 

Five women over 50 chat with coffee in a coffee shop