The purpose of the corporate performance dashboard is to provide an overview of how the Council is performing across all service areas. It is used to keep senior leadership and cabinet members informed so remedial action can be taken and good performance celebrated.
The performance measures used in the dashboard are continually reviewed to ensure they align to the Council’s corporate objectives - as published in the 4-year Corporate Strategy and Annual Plan.
Every quarter, a draft version of the corporate dashboard is reviewed by officers from each directorate and other key functions such as customer services, audit, finance, and human resources.
A final version is then considered by senior leaders and Cabinet Members. The Audit Committee reviews the performance and risk management processes twice a year to consider if they provide sufficient assurance and enable good governance of the Council. The County Council’s Scrutiny Committee has oversight of the corporate performance dashboard and uses it to inform its forward plan.
The corporate performance dashboard is themed by service/priority areas, and provides the latest performance data and trends (at the time of writing), shows progress against agreed targets, and how well Suffolk compares to other areas (where this information is available).
The dashboard also provides quarterly updates on other areas of Council business such as workforce and equalities, customers and online services, governance and information management.
The dashboard includes written commentary (by exception) to explain significant issues or variances. The purpose of commentary is to provide additional context and explanation to help understand why performance has changed over time and whether there are any specific actions in place to address poor performance.