Careers advice and guidance

Information on careers and local industries for young people and parents or carers, as well as support services available to schools and advisers.

Year 11 options

There’s lots of choice for young people when it comes to making decisions about where and what to learn when they leave Year 11.  You might be working with young people at this stage and feel you are just a bit confused yourself or you might have young people in your care that you want to support.

The Suffolk County Council Skills Team have produced a helpful leaflet on this topic aimed at practitioners, parents and carers of our Suffolk students. 

Send an email to if you would like hard copies/a hard copy. You can also download the resource via the link below.


Want to know more about local businesses? icanbea is designed to help young people navigate the large spectrum of employment possibilities in Suffolk and Norfolk.

They provide information on the most important employment industries in the East, as well as providing direct links with the key companies and the opportunities they offer.

If you’re an organisation, company or educational establishment in the Norfolk and Suffolk region and want to get involved with this council-backed charity project, please email

The Source: information and advice for young people and parents/carers

The Source is a website for young people managed by Suffolk County Council's Children and Young People's (CYP) services.

It provides information and advice on everything from work, training, and education options to health, relationships, housing, money issues and much more.

To see how it can help you make good choices in your life, go to The Source website.

National Careers Service

Call the National Careers Service helpline for information and advice about jobs, careers and training if you’re 13 or older in England.

  • National Careers Service helpline: 0800 100 900
  • Text messages: 07766 413 219
  • Textphone: 0800 096 8336

The National Careers Service provides information, advice and guidance to help you make decisions on learning, training and work opportunities. The service is confidential, and provides impartial advice which is supported by qualified careers advisers.

To find out more, go to the National Careers Service website.

Support for schools, teachers and advisers

Local Labour Market Information: resources for schools

Next Steps: Information for young people aged 13 to 19. This booklet is aimed at supporting knowledge about the local labour market and pathways in Suffolk. There are also a set of sector posters for use in the classroom.

To accompany the booklet, we have also produced a guide for practitioners that gives an overall introduction to using Labour Market Information with young people.

Download the Next Steps resources:

Support for Young People with additional needs

Suffolk County Council has produced a guide that includes lots of information to support transition from age 16. It covers information on education, training, work and leisure, health and social care and contact details for key services. ­

Please go to preparing for adulthood and employment for further detailed information.

The New Anglia Careers Hub and Enterprise Adviser Network

The New Anglia Careers Hub and Enterprise Adviser Network (EAN) are part of a national initiative that aims to raise the quality of careers provision in secondary schools and colleges, form lasting connections with employers and education and inspire young people to make informed decisions about future career choices.

The New Anglia Enterprise Adviser Network is managed nationally by the Careers and Enterprise Company, tailored locally in partnership with New Anglia LEP.

Find out more about how the programmes are delivered locally on the New Anglia Enterprise Adviser Network website.

To find out more about national initiatives to raise the quality of careers provision in schools and colleges, go to the Careers and Enterprise Company website.

Careers advice for adults

If you are looking for careers advice for adults in Suffolk, please go to the adult learning and careers advice page where you can find opportunities to improve your skills and confidence or learn something new.