Paying for care

How social care is paid for, calculate your potential care costs using our calculator, deferred payment agreements, personal budgets and direct payments.
How social care is paid for
Find out if you might need to pay towards your care, what your options are and paying a care invoice.
Calculate your care costs
You can use our care cost calculator to find out what you, or someone you look after, might need to pay towards social care.
Deferred payment agreements
Find out if deferred payment agreements are right for you, and what you need to know if you choose to apply.
Personal budgets
What a personal budget is, when you receive one and how to use it towards your care and support plan.
Financial declaration form (AF1 / EAF1) and financial assessments
If you're receiving adult social care services, you need to complete a financial declaration so we can work out what you might need to pay towards your care.
Direct payments
Learn what direct payments are, how they're paid, what you can use them on and how to set them up and manage them.
Cost of Care exercise
The results of the Cost of Care Exercise undertaken with providers during 2022.
Adult and Community Services (ACS) debt management
The Suffolk County Council (SCC) Debt Recovery Policy outlines the principles of debt recovery within the Council.