Report a faulty lit sign or bollard

Report a faulty or obscured lit sign, lit bollard, Belisha beacon or wig wag sign in Suffolk. Find information about when we'll complete the repairs.

Emergency faults

Any of the following issues are emergencies:

  • exposed electrical wires
  • flasher units outside schools not working
  • Belisha beacons at zebra crossings not working
  • damaged bollard signs

For emergencies you should call our Customer Service Centre on 0345 606 6171.

Do not report a problem with lit bollards or signs online if it's on a:

You should contact UK Power Networks helpline on 0800 783 8838 if a street light outside, and the lights in your property, are flickering. This may indicate a problem with the electricity supply, not the street light.

Non-emergency faults

For all other problems it's quicker and easier to report a fault by using our online reporting form.

Using our online form takes about 5 minutes.

When will repairs be completed?

We aim to repair routine faults (such as replacing bulbs) within 1 month.  Other faults are likely to take longer, depending on the repair(s) required and the availability of specialist staff or equipment.

Priority is given to dangerous faults such as exposed wires and are normally made safe within 2 hours.