Apply for a body of persons licence

Apply for a body of persons licence for school age children, what you'll need to apply and what's allowed under a body of persons licence.

A Body of Persons Approval can be granted to an organisation (i.e. amateur group, professional company, stage or broadcast) providing:

  • it is for a Single Performance/Activity/Event
  • no payment made for the child to take part
  • children are not coming out of school to take part in either the rehearsal(s) or performance(s).
  • the Approval form can be used for all children taking part in a performance/activity/event which can include any child/ren who live outside the Suffolk boundaries
  • clear, robust and well embedded safeguarding policies and arrangements are in place to protect children

Applications must be emailed to us at ‘least 14 working days’ prior to the performance/activity/event taking place along with the production risk assessment.

When applying for an Approval the applicant will also need to supply us with a basic Performance Risk Assessment (as attachment) along with any Covid Safeguarding measures in place for the children/chaperones i.e. hand sanitizer, ventilation, instructions if unwell and tested positive etc (this information can be added to your main Production Risk Assessment) while Covid is still prevalent in the community.

It is only Licensed Chaperones/Parent Chaperone permitted to look after the children under a Body of Persons Approval granted by Suffolk County Council.

The licence is only valid for a single production.

You'll need to complete two or three documents (if a Group Participant Form is required):

Before you apply

You'll need the:

  • venues and dates of performances
  • details of the licensed chaperones at the performance

Further information: