Help for carers

Start here to find out if you're a carer, and what support is available in Suffolk if you look after or support someone, emotionally or physically.
Woman caring for older person

What is a carer?

A carer is anyone who helps and supports somebody who due to an illness, disability or mental health problem, cannot cope without their support.

The person you care for could be a:

  • husband, wife or partner
  • family member such as a parent, brother, sister, son or daughter
  • friend or neighbour

This is not the same as someone who provides care professionally or through a voluntary organisation.

What carers do

The support you provide could be:

  • washing and dressing
  • shopping and food preparation
  • helping with laundry or housework
  • taking someone to regular appointments
  • keeping someone company
  • helping someone take medication
  • provide emotional support

Many people are carers without knowing it.

Once you recognise that you are a carer, you can get the support and information you need. This could include practical, emotional or financial support.

Finding help and support in Suffolk

Adult and Community Services work with the Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) to provide support for carers from Suffolk Family Carers and Alzheimer's Society. Both are valuable sources of information, advice and support for family carers on a whole range of issues.

You can use our website to find more information about: 

Further national information, advice and guidance

Contact us

Find out how to contact Customer First quickly and securely using live chat.

You can also find options to help yourself online, and phone us if needed.