Children's health and children's centre services

Information about our children's centres and our children's health services which includes health visiting, school nursing and other specialist services.

Service rated as 'good' by Care Quality Commission

On 6 July 2021 the Care Quality Commission rated our service as 'good'. Read the report and overview of the inspection.

Health Visiting service
The Health Visiting service supports families from pregnancy to aged 5.
School Nursing Service
Health support offered to parents and children aged 5-19 (up to 25 for SEND)
Suffolk Family Hubs
A place for families, parents, carers and young people in Suffolk to find support and advice.
Specialist services
Support provided for Learning Disabilities, Continence Promotion and Enuresis (bedwetting)
Specialist learning support service
Supporting children and young people with complex health needs to receive education.
Healthy living service
A service to support children and young people overcome the barriers to achieve a healthy weight.
Give us your feedback about the Community Health Service
Find out how to send feedback on the service you have received from the Community Health Service
National child measurement programme and hearing and vision
Details of the national screening programme delivered by the Healthy Living Service.
Children in care (CiC) nursing team
How the CiC team provide a specialist service to children and young people who are in the care of Suffolk County Council.