Ash dieback in Suffolk

Find out what ash dieback is, how to manage it and a map of affected areas in the UK.

What is ash dieback?

Ash dieback (also known as Chalara fraxinea) is a serious fungal disease that affects ash trees.

The disease causes leaf loss and crown dieback, and is usually fatal.

To learn how to identify the disease and the effect on trees in Suffolk, read Chalara: On the front line (PDF, 4MB).

Management and advice

There are no current statutory Chalara bio-security measures in place in the UK. Ash in Suffolk is considered to be widely infected with Chalara and as a result there is no need for general good practice bio security measures.

We recommend cleaning your footwear before walking in the countryside in the UK. This helps minimise the disease spreading to low risk areas.

The Chalara Action Kit (PDF, 2.5MB) is for land owners and parish councils. It contains information on dealing with trees affected by Chalara.

The Forestry Commission has an interactive map showing areas affected in the UK.