Most viewed services

Children, families and learning
Schools, children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), childcare, fostering, adoption, children's health, wellbeing and safeguarding.
Young parents reading a book with their little boy
Roads and transport
Roadworks, potholes, dropped kerbs, parking, Blue Badges, public transport, gritting, road safety, flooding and reporting a problem on a road or pavement.
Male lorry driver in his cab
Council and democracy
County councillors, council tax, consultations, committees and meetings, council directorates, salaries and open data.
Two council workers in a meeting
Care and support for adults
Support to live independently, help to stay at home, adult social care, paying for care, help for carers, safeguarding and reporting abuse.
Woman and older man sitting on a sofa at home with a cup of tea and newspaper smiling
Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service
Fire safety advice in the home, for businesses and the community, becoming a firefighter, our fire stations and home fire safety visits.
Firefighter standing in front of a fire engine
Planning, waste and environment
Planning applications, waste and recycling centres, development advice, countryside and wildlife, buildings and major infrastructure projects.
Man and daughter using the green recycle bin