The Coroners Service

Details of the Coroner service in Suffolk, including who the Coroner is and what they do, as well as information about post mortems and inquests.

Coroners are judicial office holders who are independent and appointed directly by the Crown and are responsible for investigating deaths in Suffolk to find out how, when and where they occurred. 

The Coroners Service for Suffolk have their own website with information about:

  • inquests
  • inquest hearing dates
  • the coroners service
  • support with bereavement

The new coroner's website

The coroner's service for Suffolk endeavours to provide a caring, efficient service making the processes involved as easily comprehensible and accessible as possible. More information can be found on the coroner's website.

For funeral directors to notify the Coroner that they have been appointed to carry out the funeral arrangements the coroner's website has a new form to complete.