Schools Information Management System

How schools and academies in Suffolk can access Schools Information Management System (SIMS) from Suffolk County Council.
Educations Software Solutions SIMS logo

The contract for this service comes to an end on 31 March 2025. Therefore we are no longer be able to offer this to any new customers.


For Local Authority (LA) maintained schools only.

The Base SIMS service covers the cost of the and FMS licence. It's a basic service for schools.

Support is provided via email or telephone from the SIMS Support team at Suffolk County Council.

You'll receive:

  • Termly upgrades released via Solus 3
  • Assistance via a dedicated helpline with the census returns
  • Free training to help your school prepare for the autumn census and workforce census
  • Access to a range of SIMS specific training courses via CPD online

Enhanced SIMS

For Local Authority (LA) maintained schools who already have the Base SIMS service.

You'll receive the benefits of the base SIMS service, and:

  • Remote or onsite support where errors and queries cannot be fixed over the phone
  • Termly upgrades or patches to the software performed by our experienced technicians
  • Up to half day onsite training per year for a new member of office staff
  • Reduced rates of SIMS training, via CPD online
  • Availability to purchase hardware and peripherals through our catalogue, installed by our friendly technicians

Dinner money licence

For LA maintained schools only who already have the Base SIMS service.

The dinner money licence is an additional module within the SIMS software and provides an easy to use solution to manage and report on school meals efficiently.

You can record, monitor and share pupil meal choices and track the financial aspects automatically.

There is an annual maintenance charge for this module.

Remote SIMS

For academies and free schools who've already purchased a licence directly from the supplier.

You'll receive:

  • Telephone, email or remote support from both our technical and support experts
  • Termly upgrades or patches to the software performed by our experienced technicians
  • Access to our dedicated census helpline
  • Free census training for the autumn and workforce census
  • Reduced rates of SIMS training via CPD online

If you are part of a multi-agency trust and are looking for a solution to cover all your academies talk to us about your requirements. Call the IT Service Desk on 01473 265555 or email

When buying into this service please inform ESS that Suffolk County Council will be your SIMS Support unit so we can ensure a smooth transition to your services.

Withdrawal services

Base SIMS and Dinner Money

This service is purchased annually by schools on 1 April for 12 months. In order to withdraw from this service, you must provide in writing no less than 4 months’ notice before the renewal date, no refunds will be given for the remainder of the service. Please ensure a new supplier will be in place from 1 April, schools cannot be added once removed from the annual return.

For schools converting to an academy, you do not need to provide written notice to withdraw from this service. However, you will not be entitled to a refund unless a SIMS licence has been purchased directly from ESS.

Enhanced SIMS

To withdraw from this service, please provide in writing no less than 6 months’ notice. If you have paid annually from 1 April, you will be entitled to a refund for the remainder of the service.

If you are a school converting to an academy 6 months’ notice does not apply, please inform us as soon as possible so we can discuss your requirements after conversion. A refund for the remainder of the service will be applied.

Remote SIMS

To withdraw from this service, please provide in writing no less than 6 months’ notice.

If you have paid annually from 1 September, you will be entitled to a refund for the remainder of the service.


Local Authority (LA) maintained schools who buy a Enhanced SIMS service can order hardware from our IT service.

You can order:

  • Multimedia monitors
  • Admin PC
  • Windows 10 Workstation Admin Server
  • External DVD Writer
  • Mouse
  • Wireless mouse
  • Keyboard
  • Monitor cables
  • Printers

FAQs and contact us

Find advice or technical support relating to SIMS in a list of frequently asked questions.

For further information about our products call the IT Service Desk on 01473 265555 or email