Independent Living Suffolk (ILS)

Find advice, guidance and support to improve or adapt your home, ensuring you can live safely and comfortably.

What is the ILS?

It's a service provided by Suffolk County Council in partnership with local district and borough councils. 

The purpose of the service is to support you to live safely, comfortably and independently in your own home as long as possible. 

Who can access the service?

We can help you if you:

  • live in Suffolk 
  • own your home or have the landlord's permission

What help is available?

ILS services include:

  • advice and information about your housing options
  • occupational therapy service
  • home adaptations
  • grab rails
  • advice and information about paying for work

How it works

You can call us on 0800 121 7711 or email and a member of our team will be able to guide you through the process.

Our trained and experienced team will advise you on all aspects of housing choice to ensure that you are informed as to the options available to you.

Our initial advice is always free.

About our services

Occupational therapy service

Our occupational therapy team can provide holistic assessments within your home. They'll identify any difficulties you may have with daily living activities and discuss possible solutions. This may include:

  • major adaptations (such as removing a bath and replacing it with a wet room)
  • housing reports to support you in moving to a more suitable home which better meets your needs
  • providing advice or signposting you to other agencies who are able to assist you

Home adaptations

Our priority is to help you to continue to live independently in your home.

We do this by offering advice and support to fund and install adaptations and make improvements to your home.

Major adaptations are means tested. You can get indication on what financial support you may be entitled to by using this Grants Ready Reckoner (PDF, 1.3MB). 

Paying for work

We can help you to consider various funding options. These include:

  • grants from your local borough or district council
  • your savings
  • equity release - where home owners use their homes to give them a regular income or a cash lump sum

Find out more

You can read more about staying independent in your own home: