Improving Social Care Services in Suffolk

Our work to improve our services in respect of social care for children and families.

Suffolk County Council social care services

The key elements making up social care services in Suffolk are: the Family Support Services that work alongside schools, health services and other organisation to provide Early Help Assessment and bring together help around a child and family. 

The Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub, which is where initial decisions are made about keeping children safe in response to contacts made by schools, health, police, the public and other organisations. 

Local social care teams undertake assessments of need and support families under children in need plans, child protection plans and child in care plans.

Our corporate parenting services including fostering and adoption, residential care, leaving care services provide homes and support for children in care and care leavers

Service Development and Strategies

We continuously improve our services in response to our quality assurance and performance processes, feedback from young people and families and inspection of our services by Ofsted

Working together with children and families

Some of the improvements to the way we work that have been inspired and lead by young people are shown as you said, we did on The Source website. 

Strengthening Services for Children and Families in Suffolk Board

A multi-agency Strengthening Services for Children and Families in Suffolk Board has been established to strengthen the services provided by a range of partners for children and families in Suffolk. The Board will meet every two months and includes colleagues from Suffolk County Council, the NHS, Suffolk Safeguarding Partnership, Department for Education, Essex County Council (as a Sector Led Improvement Partner), Suffolk Constabulary and elected Cabinet members.

You can see bulletins from the previous meetings below:

Inspections and evaluations of Social Care Services in Suffolk

Ofsted inspect Children’s Services in Suffolk every 3-4 years. In between these major inspections a Focused Visits and/or Joint Targeted Area Inspection may take place.

You can see the previous reports below: