
Applying for a primary or secondary school place, school term dates, schools in Suffolk, school attendance, meals, trip and home to school travel.
School places
How to apply for a primary and secondary school place in Suffolk, and how to complete an in-year application to move to another school.
School term and holiday dates
Find term and holiday dates for local authority maintained schools in Suffolk, including dates for the next school year.
Find a school in Suffolk
Find a school in Suffolk by village, town, postcode, name or type.
School and college travel
Where to find advice on getting your child to school, opt-in for school and college travel and about the review and appeals process.
Walking and cycling to school
Information about school travel plans which encourage children to walk or cycle to school, to help improve the safety of school journeys.
School meals, uniforms and trips
About school meals and how to pay online for school meals, trips and uniforms.
School closures
Find out if any schools in Suffolk are currently closed and who decides to close a school.
What is the SEND Local Offer?
The SEND Local Offer details the services available for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
Govern Suffolk
Find out how to become a school governor and put your skills into Suffolk schools.
Pupil attendance, penalty notices and welfare
Pay a penalty notice fine and see how we work with schools, parents and pupils to reduce unnecessary pupil absences and support children's welfare in school.
Academies, free schools and open competitions
Find out information about academies and free schools and how to enter the open competitions for new free schools.
Paying for the cost of your child's learning
Details of support towards the cost of childcare, school, college or higher education.
Elective Home Education (EHE)
Guidance for parents, information for schools, frequently asked questions, useful resources and how to contact the EHE team.
Making a complaint about a school
An explanation of what the complaints process may look like within an education setting
School Organisation Review
Find out more about how the School Organisation Review is playing an important part in raising the academic attainment across schools in Suffolk.
Education and Learning Infrastructure Plan
Find out about the planned responses to the need for new school places across Suffolk.