Autism, ADHD and other neurodiverse conditions

Find information and advice about autism, ADHD and other neurodiverse conditions.
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What are neurodiverse conditions?

Autism and ADHD are two of the more common conditions that are part of a range of Neurodevelopmental difficulties - Neuro (nerves) developmental (how the nerve pathways carrying messages to and from the brain are created) involve the brain’s influence on how your body functions.

Everyone’s brain works in different ways but Neurodevelopmental challenges and or/difficulties, such as Autism and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), mean that the way you see, hear or feel the world is different to others. Some experiences may include social, communication, concentration and memory difficulties.

Other neurodiverse conditions include Dyspraxia, Dyslexia, OCD, Tourette's Syndrome, Literacy and Numeracy difficulties

Children in Suffolk with neurodiverse conditions

Most children with neurodiverse conditions attend mainstream school. If your child has difficulties with learning, their early years keyworker or teacher will adapt teaching methods and materials to suit the child's style and rate of learning.

If there are still concerns, your child may have Special Educational Needs (SEN) and SEN Support will be put in place. An Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) can help meet greater levels of need.

A minority of children with the most challenging needs attend a special school.

Information, advice and useful self-help resources

Autism is a life-long condition and covers a wide spectrum.

Although an NHS clinical assessment is helpful for some families the waiting lists can be long. There are lots of things that you can do to help and support your child outside of getting a clinical assessment for autism.

A child does not need to have a neurodevelopmental diagnosis to get  Special Educational Needs support. It is important to remember that having a name for your child’s condition does not change how your child behaves.

Some helpful sources of information, advice and self-help are: 

Getting local help

Talk to teachers at school or the school Special Education Needs Co-ordinator

Suffolk SENDIASS provide free confidential and impartial information, advice and support about special educational needs & disabilities (SEND) for children, young people, parents and carers.

East and West Suffolk

For information on supporting neurodiversity children and young people, and how to make a referral for an ASD or ADHD assessment for your child, please go to the Suffolk Local Offer website 

Lowestoft and Waveney 

If you live in Lowestoft and Waveney contact the 'Just One' service on 0300 300 0123 (Phoneline open Monday-Friday 8am to 6pm and 9am-1pm on Saturdays).

For more information visit the Suffolk Local Offer website for support in your area.

Crisis support

For NHS 24/7 Crisis Support please call 111 and press option 2. This is available for anyone of any age.

Support available in your local area