Each year, we receive many complaints from residents who have been conned on their own doorsteps by rogue traders. These cons can involve thousands of pounds and are often on the most vulnerable residents.
Know your rights around the law and cold calling doorstep traders
If you pay or agree to pay over £42 for any services or goods that are sold to you in your home, then:
- you have 14 days to cancel the agreement. If you cancel, any monies that you have paid should be returned to you
- the trader must give you a written notice of your cancellation rights when you agree the contract. If the trader doesn't provide you with this information, they commit a criminal offence
This protection applies even when you invite a trader to your home.
Although doorstep calling is not illegal, the law states that a trader who ignores a resident's request to leave and not return commits a criminal offence. You can show you do not want to receive visits from cold calling doorstep traders by displaying our sticker.
Any trader that puts you under pressure by suggesting you have to make a decision there and then, or that the "special price" is only available for a limited period in order to make you sign up, may be committing a criminal offence.
Doorstep traders are trained in sales techniques and can be very persuasive.
Be very wary of signing anything as you may give up your rights to cancel.
Our advice is to always say "No thank you - please leave" and then immediately close the door. If the trader won't go away, tell them that you will call Suffolk Trading Standards. If you feel under real threat or in danger, you should contact Suffolk Police.