Nightingale Avenue and Shearwater Way, Reydon - informal consultation of proposed double yellow lines

Information on the informal consultation of proposed double yellow lines

Suffolk Highways is proposing to add new double yellow lines on Nightingale Avenue and Shearwater Way, Reydon. The double yellow lines will mean that vehicles will be forbidden from parking at any time except for usual exemptions, please refer to the plan below outlining the extents of our proposal.

This initiative has been developed following concerns made by County Councillor Michael Ladd. The proposed double yellow lines aim to address the issue of the parking opposite the Shearwater Way junction, which has caused near misses as reported to the Parish Council, due to it limiting the visibility on the corner approaching the junction.

We value your input and encourage you to share any comments or concerns you may have regarding this proposal, please submit your comments by email to or at the address detailed below. We kindly request that all comments reach us no later than 7 February 2024.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, we greatly appreciate your engagement in this community-driven effort to enhance road safety and maintain the integrity of our local infrastructure.

LHB Team

Phoenix House 

3 Goddard Road 

Ipswich  Suffolk