Council directorates and senior officers

Find out about our directorates and services, the role of Chief Executive, the Monitoring Officer and the Chief Finance Officer.
Corporate Leadership Team and directorates
The Corporate Leadership Team (CLT) and our directorate service areas, cabinet members and senior officers.
Chief Executive Officer
Nicola Beach, who joined in May 2018, is the Chief Executive of Suffolk County Council's paid staff and sets our aims and manages its performance.
Chief Financial Officer
Louise Aynsley, the Chief Financial Officer, makes sure the council manages its budget correctly and makes financially sound decisions.
Monitoring Officer
Nigel Inniss, the Monitoring Officer, makes sure that the council, and it's councillors, follow the law and the council's constitution.
Internal Audit Service
The roles and objectives of the Internal Audit Service at Suffolk County Council.
Suffolk Legal Services
Legal Services are an in-house legal service based in Ipswich specialising in local government law, providing services to many public sector organisations.
Fraud and corruption
Suffolk County Council has a duty to protect public funds, and our Internal Audit Service is responsible for investigating fraud and irregularities.