The Domestic Abuse Commissioner is an independent voice that speaks on behalf of victims and survivors of domestic abuse.
Alongside Councillor Bobby Bennett, Suffolk County Council’s Cabinet Member for Equality and Communities, DA Commissioner Nicole Jacobs, met with Domestic Abuse Champions and representatives from Suffolk’s commissioned Domestic Abuse Services. They presented certificates to Champions, who have gone above and beyond in their role by providing support or raising the profile of Domestic Abuse.
The Suffolk Domestic Abuse Champions Network aims to raise awareness about coercive control and increase confidence across the Suffolk community in order to provide consistent information, advice and support to victim-survivors of domestic abuse.
The Champions are provided with free training to have the skills to spread awareness to other colleagues and act as the ‘Go to Person’ for Information between their own agency and local support services. The Network was launched in April 2019, and since then, the content of the training has evolved, and the delivery has developed to incorporate an online offer as well as face to face.
Over 1,300 Champions have now taken the free training, including representatives from across the county and from a broad range of organisations including health, education, housing, recovery services, mental health support, adult and children’s social care, police and more individuals, voluntary and community organisations.