OPINION: Lowestoft's Gull Wing bridge is a new landmark for all of Suffolk

Column by Cllr Matthew Hicks, Leader of Suffolk County Council
Published: 10 Sep 2024

Thousands of Lowestoft residents made history on Saturday as they walked, wheeled and drove for the first time across the town’s new, world-leading and unique Gull Wing bridge.

Built on behalf of Suffolk County Council by leading civil engineering contractor Farrans, the Gull Wing heralds a new era for Lowestoft and promises to bring both immediate and long-term benefits to the town, its businesses and residents.

A new bridge such as this doesn’t just happen overnight, and whilst its design may be modern, and its construction techniques and materials state of the art, this bridge's history and political genesis dates back decades, and I want to pay tribute and thank all those who, over the years, have played their part in making the Gull Wing possible.

Stakeholders gathered on the Gull Wing as it opens to the public

Last week, I was fortunate enough to speak to Clifford Smith, the first Chief Executive of Suffolk County Council, whose previous role was County Planner. Clifford described to me the efforts he went through 60 years ago to try and secure a third crossing in Lowestoft. Thank you, Clifford, for your vision back in 1964, which undoubtedly laid the foundations for the Gull Wing bridge.

Of course, it would be decades later before this project received the nod of approval from the government. I must thank Peter Aldous who, in his former role as Member of Parliament for Lowestoft, showed tenacity and Herculean determination that, come what may, a third crossing in Lowestoft must happen. I remember well when Peter invited the then Prime Minister, David Cameron, to Lowestoft in April 2015, and when the Prime Minister committed the government to helping to fund a bridge in the town. Many doubted it would happen – well, those who doubted Peter's determination and Lord Cameron's promise can now see it clearly. Thank you, Peter for staying true to your word, and thank you, Lord Cameron, for giving it your enthusiastic backing.

I also want to thank my predecessors at Suffolk County Council, Mark Bee and Colin Noble, and all the various cabinet members who grasped the opportunity offered by the government and enthusiastically gave this project their backing.

Then, there was the decision on what route the new bridge should take. Bob Blizzard is no longer with us, but I want to pay tribute to him today because the very route it takes owes much to his lobbying and campaigning.

I want to thank Farrans for their work as our construction partner in this project. Even with the challenges of a global pandemic and foreign wars disrupting supply and energy chains, you, and your army of excellent sub-contractors, have delivered this bridge for the people of Lowestoft.

I want to thank Bam Nuttall and Arup for producing such a stunning, iconic design. This is not just a bridge. This is a new landmark for Suffolk, of which we are all proud.

I want to thank Oilgear, Eadon, Ardent, Victor Buyck, Javlin, Quinn, TJ Edwards Steel and Associate British Ports. I want to say a special thank you to local Lowestoft contractors LEC Marine and Sharp Contract and Surveying, as well as DPL from Ipswich. I know I will have missed some businesses in the limited space I have, but I hope you are all proud of this new bridge for Lowestoft, which will serve the town for decades to come.

Finally, I want to thank Simon Bretherton, Suffolk County Council's Gull Wing Project Director, and his team for managing this bridge into reality. Building something of this scale - the largest of its kind in the world - was never going to be easy, but you did it brilliantly. Thank you all.

It was wonderful to see so many local people turn out on Saturday to be part of a momentous occasion for Lowestoft. I hope that many will return for the civic opening ceremony on Tuesday 19th November.

The people of Lowestoft have waited decades for a third river crossing. I am proud that the Gull Wing is now open and I look forward to seeing the positive impact it will have on our community. The Gull Wing truly is a promise made, and a promise delivered.