'My story' teaching in Suffolk

Hear from real life teachers making a difference in Suffolk. Find out what inspires them and learn what tips they have for anyone wanting to teach.
David Barrett
David opted for the School Direct Salaried as a route into teaching and is currently Deputy Headteacher at Barrow Church of England VC Primary School.
Georgie Underwood
Georgie completed a Graduate Internship at Sidegate Primary School, Ipswich, before completing her PGCE at UEA and is now a Newly Qualified Teacher in Suffolk.
Jason Wanner
Jason began volunteering to get school experience, before being offered 2 days-a-week paid work. He is now Director of Mathematics at Felixstowe Academy.
Lisa Tweed
Lisa was inspired by her own teachers at school. She’s now a Headteacher at Risby Church of England VC Primary School, Suffolk.
Megan Glazin
After 4 years, Megan has progressed to become Assistant Headteacher at Brooklands Primary School.
Sue Ricketts
Inspired by volunteering at her son's school, Sue obtained her Qualified Teacher Status and is now Headteacher at New Cangle Primary School, Haverhill.