Property flood resilience (PFR) grant scheme

Flooded property owners can apply for up to £5,000 via the Government's Flood Recovery Framework to help make their homes and businesses more resilient to future flooding.

The PFR application deadline has been extended until the end of May 2025.

The government uses the Flood Recovery Framework to make funding available to communities following specific storm events that result in severe flooding. One of the elements of this framework is the Property Flood Resilience (PFR) Grant which the government requires Suffolk County Council to administer on their behalf.

The council has launched PFR Grant application process for properties affected by Storm Babet in October 2023. The following has been prepared as a brief summary to outline the government guidelines of the scheme.

Who can apply for this funding?

Grants are only available to people who suffered internal flood damage to their homes or businesses during Storm Babet (between 19-25 October 2023). They are in addition to grants and Council Tax/Business Rate discounts that may have been received from District Councils. Eligible property owners can apply for up to £5,000 (including VAT) to help make their property more resilient to future flooding. Properties that have already reported flooding via the Highways Reporting Tool and have been determined as eligible for this grant will be contacted directly by letter or email and invited to complete the application process.

You have until the end of May 2025 to make an application. Once the application is approved, you have until the end of 2025 to complete the work and make a claim for payment.

All property owners that wish to apply for the grant will require a survey to be carried out by an independent, qualified building surveyor (must be independent from any company that installs PFR measures) who has completed the training CIWEM PFR Foundation (see 'Finding a Surveyor' below).

The PRF survey needs to include recommend measures that will increase the property’s resilience to future flooding. Government rules state that only up to £800 of the total grant can be used to contribute towards survey costs. You will need to share this survey with the Council as part of a grant application – only measures recommended within the survey can be included in a grant claim.

Where a survey is undertaken but the owner doesn’t proceed with any recommend measures no grant to cover survey costs can be claimed. The grant can only be used for resilience measures that are in addition to any reinstatement that is covered by insurance claims – the funded PFR measures must either keep water from entering a property or reduce the damage water can do once it enters a property.

Property owners will be responsible for finding a suitable contractor to carry out works. Grants of up to £5,000 incl. VAT (including survey costs) will be paid retrospectively to the property owner, once the Council receives proof of the completed installation and invoicing for the approved measures.

Finding a surveyor

The Council is not able to endorse any company offering surveys, but can confirm the following companies have appropriately qualified surveyors that meet the requirements of this scheme (this list will be added to as companies provide evidence to the County Council):

Aegaea 020 8164 128
James Aldridge Chartered Surveyors

01473 659956

01502 519036

01284 724305

David Hackett Consultancy Ltd 07791 143438
David Brunning - SuDS designs

01473 487322

07498 614047

FPS Environmental Ltd 0115 9902 001
Richard Jackson Limited 01206 228800
Suffolk Flood Surveys 01473 845171


Properties must have been damaged internally by flood waters between the dates of 19 and 25 October 2023, and subsequently required drying out or repairs to the fabric of the building.

Properties need to have reported this damage to Suffolk County Council via the Highways Reporting Tool and received a letter or email from Suffolk County Council to invite them to make an application.

Eligible properties are:

  • Residential properties, including static caravans if they are the property owner’s primary residence
  • Business properties where internal areas which are critical to the day-to-day operations of the business were affected
  • Properties owned by local authorities who act as the landlord
  • Holiday lets that are operated as a business, where non-domestic rates are paid
  • Bed and Breakfast properties where the owner lives on site as their primary residence and pays domestic or non-domestic rates or both
  • Houses of Multiple Occupancy (HMOs) or blocks of flats, which will be considered as one property.

Non-eligible properties include:

  • Garages, outhouses or storage areas
  • Second homes
  • Empty homes
  • Basements or cellars not used as part of the habitable or business area of the property
  • Holiday cottages which are not part of a commercial enterprise and are not the principal residence of the owner.

If you have questions about the scheme or your eligibility, please email: