Keep clear and yellow box markings

Road markings help prevent obstruction by waiting or parked vehicles.

Report a problem

You can report a missing or faded road markings quickly and easily online using our Highways Reporting Tool.

White "Keep Clear" markings can be used to indicate where a road should be kept clear of waiting or parked vehicles to allow access to side roads.

Yellow box markings can be used where traffic blocks a junction and indicate that a road must be kept clear of waiting or queuing vehicles to allow access to side roads.

We do not have enough money to fix everything we want to, or as quickly as we would like. Providing new "Keep Clear" or yellow box markings is not considered one of our priorities at the moment. If you would like these introduced, you should seek support from your local town or parish council. They will then need to identify a local funding source to cover the costs associated with introducing these markings on the road.

Traffic enforcement

We are not responsible for enforcing traffic and parking regulations in Suffolk. You should report problems with illegally or inconsiderately parked vehicles to the Suffolk Police or call 101 for help. 

Read more about parking enforcement.

Frequently Asked Questions

Cars are always parking outside my house. Can I stop them?

If these vehicles are legally parked, taxed and not causing an obstruction then they are entitled to park there, even though it is outside your property. If vehicles are parked illegally, contact Suffolk Police (call 101).

At school opening and closing times parents picking up their children stop me parking my car near my house. Can anything be done?

Because it is a short term problem very little can be done. Enforcement of parking restrictions is carried out by Suffolk Police and they are unlikely to have the resources to attend school premises twice a day, 5 days a week to make sure that waiting restrictions are observed.

What can be done to stop vehicles parking on the pavement?

We have no legal powers to stop this happening - it is an enforcement matter for Suffolk Police (call 101). In Ipswich, Ipswich Borough Council have Civil Parking Enforcement powers and their Civil Parking Enforcement Officers can issue penalty charge notices where footway crossings have been blocked - please contact Ipswich Borough Council Parking Services on Ipswich (01473) 432843.

Contact us

You can report problems easily using our Highways Reporting Tool

Find out how to contact us by live chat or phone on our contact page.