Strategic assessment of risk

Our analysis of risk in Suffolk is heavily influenced by the current and emerging trends and data detailed within our Strategic Assessment of Risk

His Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services, peer review, strategic assessment of risk and HM Government statistics.

We use:

  • A range of information created by us and other bodies to measure how we are performing and compare it to other fire services. Our statistical information is reported to the Home Office on annual financial year return.
  • Our statistical information helps us to find areas of improvement, set our priorities and check the quality of service we provide.
  • We use internal fire station and health and safety audits to make sure we meet our legal requirements and organisational policies. Your complaints and feedback are also used to judge our performance.
  • Our analysis of risk in Suffolk is heavily influenced by the current and emerging trends and data detailed within our Strategic Assessment of Risk. This document references a wide range of current and forecasting data and helps us match our resources to risk reduction and mitigation.

Strategic Assessment of Risk 2024 - 2026