About the Building Skills Growth Network (BGSN)

Read more about the work of BGSN.

The Building Growth ‘Skills’ Network facilitates a strategic discussion on the alignment of skills requirements of the construction industry with provision and uptake of related education and training in Norfolk and Suffolk.

Membership is open to all and includes both industry and provider representatives as well as other key stakeholders.

The network is chaired by a Norfolk and Suffolk employer and supported by officers from the ‘Skills Hub’ (Norfolk and Suffolk County Councils working alongside the New Anglia LEP).

The work is undertaken by the Norfolk and Suffolk Chambers of Commerce for the Local Skills Improvement Plan. It oversees and maintains a ‘Sector Skills Programme’ detailing the approach to skills and workforce development in construction in the Norfolk and Suffolk region.

The network comprises of a number of connected forums and discussions embedded with the wider skills and employment landscape.

There are clear lines of communication and escalation between each component of the network helping to ensure that those involved in the Building Growth Skills Network are helping to inform and influence local policy and decision making.

There are various levels of membership of the network to enable all stakeholders to engage at a level of commitment that suits their circumstances. This also provides wide representation balanced by a structure focused on driving action and change.

The various levels of membership in the network include:

  • An open network of interested parties who act as a sounding board and provide opinion and input as they are able, provide communication channels to their peers and attend a bi-annual virtual meeting.
  • A set of action groups leading a focused discussion on a particular priority and the identification of related actions and recommendations.
  • A steering group with representation from across the action groups that coordinates activity across the network, determines Building Growth positions for escalation/onward communication and ensures oversight of the Construction ‘Sector Skills Programme’.
  • A supply and demand group with representation from providers primarily focused on supply and demand of provision.
Diagram showing the structure of the BGSN, where the network's steering group works with external stakeholders to make construction more sustainable
The Building Growth Skills Network has four action groups and a steering group, which will work with external stakeholders to make construction more sustainable, inclusive and diverse.

The Building Growth Skills Network is currently chaired by Nadine Tapp of Flagship Housing.