Asset skills enhancement and capability (ASEC) fund

Opportunities of development needs and stage 1 project proposals funded by Sizewell C.

Stage 1 project proposals

Currently available ASEC funding

Total Available: £3.9 million

Note that the £3.9 million fund can apply for phase 1 and 2 combined if the proposal meets the needs of both phases.

  • Phase 1 - Site operations and enabling works: £1.17 million
  • Phase 2 - Main civils: £2.73 million

Grant amounts are for a minimum of £50,000 and up to the full allocation of available funding of £3.9million. This is subject to the scope of the project proposal.

Eligibility criteria

The funding offers priority to Suffolk-based providers or projects aligned with Sizewell C workforce needs and regional skills priorities.

Applications are open to:

  • Further/higher education institutions
  • UKRLP-registered training providers
  • Collaborative partnerships (local employers and education institutions or training providers)

Application process

Stage 1

Complete a project proposal application. This is a non-competitive application stage. After submitting a stage 1 application, you will be contacted by the Regional Skills Co-ordination Function to discuss the strategic fit of your project proposal with the strategic purpose of the ASEC fund.

Stage 1 applications are mandatory, and not all applications will be invited to proceed to stage 2. However all applications will receive feedback and recommendations.

Stage 2

If you are successful after stage 1, you will be invited to complete the full project application process.

Assessment and scoring

Applications are assessed and scored in alignment with ASEC fund priorities. All applications must be considered to strategically align with the purposes of the fund. Higher levels of alignment will be factored into allocation decisions to be made by the Employment, Skills and Education Working Group (ESEWG).

By applying to the ASEC Fund, you can play a vital role in bridging Suffolk’s skills gap, enabling local talent development, and preparing the region for future opportunities.

Please review the following documentation before completing an application. Applications must show understanding and reference the following as a minimum for “regional needs evidence”. After reviewing, please complete the project proposal form  to submit your application.

If you have additional supplementary information to support your application, please email this directly to