Care homes and supported accommodation

Your care home and supported housing options, including how to search for care homes in Suffolk.
Woman in care home with granddaughter

Care home options

Residential care homes

Residential care homes provide care and support to people who can no longer live in their own home.

They can:

  • support people who need specialist care like dementia
  • offer short-term services like respite care

Nursing homes

Nursing homes provide:

  • personal and nursing care
  • nursing staff on duty 24 hours a day

Supported accommodation

Supported accommodation is usually short or medium-term accommodation with either on-site or visiting staff to support you to maintain your accommodation.

The level of support provided varies between services and is tailored to individual needs.

Paying for care homes and supported accommodation

Care homes and supported accommodation can be paid for by privately by you and your family.

If you meet the national eligibility criteria, they may be paid for by Suffolk County Council. A financial assessment will be required to work out how much, if anything, you will have to contribute towards this cost yourself.

Find out more about how paying for care works.

Search for care homes

You can search for care homes by using the directory on our Suffolk InfoLink website.

Suffolk InfoLink has information about all the care homes in Suffolk. This includes each care home's rating by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), who check standards in care homes.