What is a learning disability

Understand how a learning disability affects the way a person understands information and how they communicate.

This means they can have difficulty:

  • understanding new or complex information
  • learning new skills
  • coping independently.

A learning disability can be mild, moderate or severe and affects someone for their whole life.

Adult and Community Services and The Care Act

Our Learning Disability and Autism teams are part of Adult and Community Services (ACS) which in turn is part of Suffolk County Council. We give information and advice, and support when it is needed, to help you manage your care needs and keep or regain your independence.

We work within the Care Act 2014 to:

  • give people information and advice, letting them know about local services and activities that can help
  • support people who meet national eligibility criteria for their care and support needs. This may be short or long-term assistance to get back independence or to maintain a good quality of life. Please note, customers may be charged for the cost of some or all their long-term care
  • support family carers so they can continue with their caring role
  • safeguard vulnerable people who are at risk of harm or abuse.

Read Care Act 2014: