Staying independent with sensory and physical disabilities

Support to stay independent, which includes information about mobility and accessibility, public toilets, driving and Blue Badge parking.
Wheelchair user getting on a bus

Sensory disability support

You can find support from the following organisations:

Physical disability support

You can find advice and guidance from different organisations below.

Mobility and accessibility

Public and accessible toilets 

Borough and district councils provide most public toilets.

You can find information from local councils in Suffolk about public toilets below:

The Radar National Key Scheme offers disabled people access to locked public toilets in shopping centres, pubs, cafés, department stores, bus and train stations and many other locations.

The Great British Public Toilet Map shows toilets that the public can use, including those in shops, cafes etc.

You can also find Changing Places toilets near you.

Driving and Blue Badge

You can find contact details of organisations who can help you from the list below: