
Practical and emotional support if you've been affected by suicide and how to help someone who may be suicidal.
Group therapy session

If you or someone you know is seeking mental health support, please see our mental health and wellbeing page.

How to support someone who may feel suicidal

You do not have to be a mental health professional to help someone who is feeling suicidal. Many people fear to talk to someone about suicide in case they give the person the idea, but there is no evidence to support this. For many, it can be a huge relief to be asked the question directly.

Both Mind and Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) have information on how to support someone who feels suicidal. They give practical suggestions, like warning signs to look out for, what to say and where you can go for support.

Mind also has information on how to recognise suicidal feelings and the NHS has help for suicidal thoughts.

The Emotional Wellbeing Gateway website has local mental health support services, and advice for families on how to support children and young people with suicidal thoughts and feelings, as well as other mental health issues. 

For professional advice (non-emergency) call NHS 111. Or if you are worried about a child or young person's mental health, contact the Emotional Wellbeing Hub (0345 600 2090).

If urgent mental health support is needed call NHS 111 and press option 2 for 24/7 Mental Health Crisis Support, for anyone of any age.

If the person has lethal intent to hurt them self make an urgent visit to see a GP or take them to A & E.

Support if you are affected by suicide

If you are affected by the suicide of a family member or friend, support is available to help you emotionally and with practical matters.

Bereavement and emotional support

Search for bereavement support, information and guidance:

Emotional advice and support:

Support for employers

Find guidance on how to support the mental health of your staff: