Virtual reality service user group

If you are someone in Suffolk living with dementia, the family carer of someone living with dementia or a Health and Social Care professional please join our service user group.

Suffolk County Council in partnership with Spark Emerging Technologies Ltd, is looking to establish a service user group to co-create a bespoke VR platform for people living with dementia. The group will be called ‘Synergy’ and is now looking to recruit people living with dementia, their family carers as well as health and social care professionals.

To join the first tier of the group as a person living with dementia or their family carer please note the following eligibility criteria.

For more information about the Synergy VR Co-production group please see our FAQ below.



Adult or carer of an adult with a formal diagnosis of dementia;

Effective communication skill to provide verbal feedback and response.

Resident in Suffolk;

Mental ability to engage in small workshops and individual sessions;

No pacemaker or ICD;

Open and positive view of trying new things including technology;

No current experience of hallucinations, visual disturbance or psychosis;

Preferably with ability to consent to take part in this project;

No known susceptibility to travel / motion sickness or vertigo;

Access to the internet.

No open wounds on face or head;


No cervical (neck / upper spine) conditions (arthritis or significant degeneration) that make head and neck turning painful.


No experience of seizures or epilepsy


No severe visual or auditory loss that cannot be rectified by glasses or hearing aids.


To contact the Group coordinator please email to: