If you are a parent struggling to find suitable childcare in your area you should contact the Suffolk Family Information Service helpline to see if you should be referred to our Childcare Brokerage Service.
What is the childcare brokerage service?
Childcare brokerage is a requirement of Childcare Act 2006, which means local authorities must provide extra support for families to help them access childcare and other support services. The Childcare Brokerage Service is provided by Suffolk County Council's Early Years and Childcare Service.
The type of help offered depends on the families individual circumstances, but childcare brokerage can help parents and carers to:
- Find suitable childcare options which meet their needs and the needs of their children.
- Visit childcare providers together accompanied by one of our staff.
- Find emergency childcare or alternative childcare at short notice.
- Access childcare and other services if they or their child has a disability or special needs.
- Access any financial support they are entitled to which helps pay for childcare.
- Understand the information available to them, for example if a parent has a visual impairment, language or literacy difficulties.
How do I get referred to the childcare brokerage service?
Families can be referred to this service by a professional or parents can call the Suffolk Family Information Service helpline on 0345 60 800 33 to discuss if they should be referred to the childcare brokerage service.
How do I report a problem finding childcare?
Complete the short form below to tell us what childcare you are struggling to find. Sometimes the childcare may not be available in a particular area, or all the childcare places in the area are full.
If forms are returned by a number of parents wanting childcare it may be possible for us to help an organisation open a new out of school club, nursery or pre-school or we may encourage people to become childminders in that area.
Please complete the form to let us know your childcare needs.