The Virtual School support for post 16 education

The role of the Virtual School in supporting education for Post 16 learners, Post 16 Personal Education Planning and the 16 to 19 bursary.

In this section you will find information on:

  • how we support Post 16 learners
  • the Personal Education Plan for learners in Post 16 settings, including school based sixth forms and colleges
  • support for learners who are not yet in education, employment or training
  • the 16 – 19 bursary

Our aim is to enable each child in care the chance to flourish in adulthood. The support that each young person receives to make that happen is vital.

Our support for Post 16 learners starts in Year 11. Our Post 16 Lead works alongside colleagues who monitor the progress and attainment of Year 11 pupils to identify those young people who require additional support to make the next step. This includes those young people who may need extra support to find a suitable Post 16 pathway or those at risk of becoming NEET – not in education, employment or training. A multi-agency approach is used so that each young person gets the most appropriate support for their needs.

Schools are expected to provide strong support for children in care and may find it useful to use our Year 11 transition checklist to ensure that Year 11 pupils are aided as much as possible when making decisions about their next steps into Post 16. Download the transition checklist.

In Years 12 and 13, our Post 16 Lead liaises with each Post 16 provider to track our cohort. Attendance and engagement as well as Personal Education Plans (PEPs) are monitored on a termly basis. Close working with social care means that those who need additional support to find or maintain a place in education, employment or training are referred to appropriate services/organisations who can provide the required support.

PEP document templates for EET providers

The PEP proforma for Post 16 Suffolk CiC learners is currently in a Word document format which we ask providers to complete as a ‘living document’ of children in care’s progress every term.

Please complete and return the relevant documentation for Post 16 learners via secure email:

Post 18

Our support for young people does not stop once they complete their Post 16 programme. Once a young person moves into Year 14 and onto Post 18 provision, we identify their destination and monitor their progress on a regular basis.

PEP meeting support documents for social care 

16-19 Bursary

As Pupil Premium Grant is only available for statutory school age children, learners in Post 16 programmes are eligible for the Post 16-19 bursary. This bursary is designed to break down barriers to learning to enable young people to achieve their potential.

As a child in care or care leaver, they are eligible for the Vulnerable Groups bursary. For more information about the bursary and how to apply visit the information from the Education and Skills Funding Agency on 16 to 19 education: financial support for students.